Friday, May 13, 2016

Fixtures - 2.0

Artist Statement
For this batch, I continued photographing interesting objects and fixtures on ceilings, floors and walls. I kept all of the images in black and white and made abstract backgrounds to highlight the interesting shapes present. To improve on my last batch, I tried to photograph more unique and less common fixtures while also taking sharper images. Sharper images betters the quality of the images by showing the interesting textures that often accompany these fixtures. The combination of all these things allowed me to create more abstract, unique, and interesting images than the previous batch.


  1. I really like how all these photos work together, i think because they are edited so similarly. I also like the variety of fixtures that you found.

  2. I love these images. They are bright white and the contrast within the image is perfect. The strongest images are the ones in which you have lines and circles and create a strong dichotomy.

  3. These are nice and I like how sharp everything looks. I also think that since there aren't really any shadows of the objects, it helps with the cohesiveness.

  4. These are cool but kinda boring. Try to change it up a bit.

  5. These are good but the idea kind put you into a corner, their are not enough fixtures for you to continue to take interesting pictures, that being said youve done a good job

  6. I like how you chose blank backgrounds, it really makes the main objects stand out even if they are white as well.

  7. I like how the image that is focused stands out from the background

  8. The light is really good.

  9. The simplicity is refreshing. The last one is my favorite!

  10. this are awsome and simple enough but also have many different aspects. i like it
